الدورة الأكثر عمقا و مهنية في "الترجمة الفورية"
"Interpretation Training Course"
Certified by "UNESCO"
مع المدرب
د.سعيد خواجة
الشهادة معتمدة من "اليونسكو"
من 12/3 لغاية 16 /3/2012
رتب جدول أعمالك واحجز مقعدك الآن ..
- To enhance the interpreter's capacities in the interpretation various subjects.
- To improve the interpreter's listening skills.
- Provide interpreters with the strategies of how to convey the speaker's speech to the recipient in an appropriate way.
- Inform interpreter about the interpretation machines and how to use them (pause, using the microphones, giving a sign to the technician) respond to the recipient's needs (battery, no sound… etc).
- Receiving and conveying the speech.
- Wait – Time (during the questions and discussion)
- Process the content of the speech and a timed way (without delay) to provide the listener with the correct meaning.
- How to deal with various dialects.
- Economy.
- Policy
- Culture
- Social (woman rights, child rights)
- Education.
- Interpretation devices (sound system, microphones, delegate mics, receivers, head sets).
- Form 4:00 P .M - 8:00 P. M
- Four days/ 4 hours per day.
DATE: 12-16/03/2012
سجل ..
وتمكن من الإلمام بثقافة الترجمة الفورية
خصم خاص للمؤسسات التي تبعث أكثر من مشارك
للحجز والاستفسار، يرجى الاتصال على
795797960 962 +
795255526 962 +
064785972 962 +