عدد المساهمات : 1177 تاريخ التسجيل : 03/04/2009 العمر : 37
موضوع: What is Translation? الإثنين 11 يناير 2010 - 22:26
What is Translation?
Translation is the process in which a written communication or a text in a first language is produced as the written communication or text in the second language interpreting the same meaning. Here the text in the first language is the "source text" and the equivalent text that communicates the same message is the "target text" or "translated text". Initially translation has been a manual activity. Today, together with manual translation, there is also automatic translation of natural-language texts, which is referred to as machine translation or computer-assisted translation which use [color:8040=blue ! important][color:8040=blue ! important]computers as an aid to translation. Translation is one way to bring the world closer.